Investor based in the United Kingdom Denmark Finland Germany Ireland Luxembourg Norway Sweden Switzerland |

Important information regarding the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD)

Effective on 9 March 2024, the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) and administrator of Evenlode’s UK domiciled funds, Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited will change to Investment Fund Services Limited (IFSL). From this date, the name of the WS Evenlode Investment Funds will also change to the IFSL Evenlode Investment Funds and fund documentation on this website will be updated. Please note that only documents dated on or after 9 March 2024 will use the IFSL prefix.

In connection with the change, Monday 11 March 2024 will be a designated non-dealing day for investors in the IFSL Evenlode Investment Funds.

From 9 March 2024 IFSL will administer investor accounts in the IFSL Evenlode Investment Funds and investors will need to contact IFSL. IFSL’s contact details are below:
Phone (UK) - 0808 1789321
Phone (Overseas) - +44 1204 803932
Email - [email protected]

If investors need to contact Waystone Fund Services (UK) Limited their contact details are below:
Phone - +44 115 9888200

Email - [email protected]

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