Our purpose is to preserve and enhance the value of our client’s assets through long-term engagement and analysis.
However, we are not just investors, we also understand the influence we can have on the companies we invest in, on behalf of our clients. This is why we believe integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment process and actively engaging with our investee companies, can help to sustain and improve returns for our clients, over the long term.
Evolution of stewardship
Stewardship has been an integral part of the Evenlode investment process since its inception in 2009. Ben Peters was responsible for stewardship until 2017 when Sawan Wadhwa was brought in to develop a dedicated team with experience from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Stewardship documents
Our quarterly stewardship reports aim to provide regular updates on our voting and engagement activities as well as highlighting the actions we are taking on managing climate-related risks in our portfolios.
We put strong emphasis on transparency and want to ensure our clients are informed about our responsible investment activities. Our reports provide insight into how we integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment decision making process and highlight how our voting activities can act as a key engagement tool when initiating dialogue with the companies in our portfolio(s).
As a member of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), Evenlode annually reports on the greenhouse gas emissions financed through our investment portfolios. This covers the scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of each fund’s investee companies.
The Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has developed a framework to help companies disclose climate-related financial information. From June 2024, Evenlode publishes both entity level and product level TCFD reports which cover the previous calendar year (e.g. the 2024 report covers the year ended 31 December 2023).
Please see the individual fund pages for relevant reports.
We would like to emphasise our commitment to allocating 100% of our assets under management towards our net zero target. Our first Net Zero Roadmap is a significant milestone in our journey to achieve sustainable returns for our clients whilst also running a sustainable business, over the-long term. Our Net Zero Engagement and Voting Policy outlines the actions our stewardship and investment team will take to achieve our engagement and decarbonisation targets. This could include direct and collective engagement with portfolio companies, policy engagement, and active voting. The policy also sets out our engagement objectives and the escalation steps we will take should these objectives not be met within the set timeframe.
Evenlode Investment Management became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2018. By becoming signatories, we commit to implementing these principles and incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into our investment process to help enhance returns and better manage risk for our clients.
By carrying out sufficient due diligence, we invest in companies that are being managed according to a strategy and principles with which we fundamentally agree with. We’re long-term stewards of our clients’ assets and believe well-governed businesses, when run in a sustainable way, can provide positive returns for shareholders and better outcomes for society at large.
As long-term investors, we consider Stewardship to be an important part of our investment philosophy, voting actively on all our holdings. We disclose all our voting activity on a quarterly basis and in the interests of best practice, transparency and investor information, provide details of when we have voted against management and the reasons for this.
Signatory of:

The team
We look for strength in depth within our team and have hired individuals with experience from a diverse range of backgrounds to ensure we address all of Evenlode’s values as a business and within our investment process.
As an employee-owned business the aim is to build a multi-generational team where the business can be handed from one set of employee-owners to another over time, whilst continuing to consistently apply the investment process to the portfolios we manage.
The concept of delivering in the long term for all stakeholders means that the team is structured to take collective ownership for the investment decisions made, whilst containing lines of individual responsibility to ensure that accountability is not dissolved.