What you see is what you get
In this month's investment view, in light of the myriad of difficulties the investment landscape is facing, we reiterate how we continue to stick to our script - to generate long-term compound growth in both capital and dividends for shareholders.
Man vs models
In this article, Ben gives some thoughts on mathematical models and how he uses them in the Evenlode investment process.
Trustnet interview - How to protect yourself against inflation and deflation
Hugh Yarrow was recently interviewed by Joshua Ausden for the Trustnet website.
A growing interest in the 'dull' and 'boring'
In this month's investment view, we discuss how we remain cautiously optimistic for the portfolio’s future returns given the very high quality and good value in the fund as we continue to invest in the 'dull' and 'boring'.
Valuation, valuation, valuation
In this article, following on from some fairly unusual market movements of late, Ben describes our view of the value in asset classes, as ever a central consideration for our process.
The incrementalists
In this month's investment view, as we continue to ‘prepare for the worst and hope for the best’, we discuss the resilient high-quality businesses we seek that can cope with risks, increasing shareholder value through thick and thin.
The quest for rational investing
In this month's investment view, we provide an over view of 2012 and share some of our thoughts for 2013, always with the aim of delivering long-term compounded dividend and capital growth by investing in high quality, attractively valued businesses.
Notes from the front line
In this month's investment view, we provide a summary of the latest company results which have been reassuring and steady, in contrast to Mr Market's feast/famine mentality of late.
Reinvestment opportunities to outlast the crisis
In this month's investment view, we discuss that ‘over-projection’ by Mr Market, in both the optimistic and pessimistic direction, is becoming a signature note of the post-crisis era. Instead, we choose to buy and hold stocks at sensible valuations and do not attempt to make market predictions.
More money printing and Weetabix: A case study
In this month's investment view, with Mr Market being positively and negatively influenced by the seemingly open-ended round of QE, we use a case study on Weetabix to highlight the fact that short-term stock market noise is not always terribly useful.
Groundhog Day
In this month's investment view, with the seemingly endless structural problems in the US, Europe, China, Japan et al. that still seem a long way from sustainable solutions, we highlight the latest reassuring company results and healthy dividend growth.
Some thoughts on quality
In this month's investment view, with the solution to the Eurozone crisis a distant prospect despite huge amounts of monetary stimulus, we focus on the current top ten stocks in the Evenlode Income portfolio, and why they help us to sleep at night!