Following a successful day volunteering at Stansfeld Park in December 2018 we came back to the site nearly one year on to see how it had developed and offer our assistance.
Once again we were working with The Oxford Trust’s Outdoor Learning and Ecology Manager, Dr Roger Baker, Paul Dryden, their Director of Development and several Oxford Conservation Volunteers. They put us to work clearing an area on the east side of the woodland, close to the steps we installed during our last visit.
Following a morning of hard work and a delicious lunch of campfire cooked bacon butties and crumble, Evenlode were taken into the Exploration Zone of the new Science Oxford Centre, the UK’s first indoor-outdoor science education centre for primary-aged children.
Paul Dryden then showed us around the site which alongside hosting Science Oxford, also provides 25,000 sq-ft of office space for start-ups and other companies working in science and technology.
Evenlode Investment have been supporting The Oxford Trust for the last three years and hope to continue this relationship into the future.